Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Suave Professional Product

I was staying at my aunt's house for the weekend and recently ran out of my conditioner...ugh I know frustrating, anyways so I had to use hers. I always use products from the line TRESemmé, but my aunt's conditioner was Suave Professional and I was like what the hell lets try it, it's not like I had alot of choice anyways.
I have to admit I was kind of glad I ran out of my conditioner, if it was'nt for that I would've never tried the Suave Professional products. Now im in love with it! Been using it for a while now. :-)  It leave's your hair feeling so smooth and shiny, it looks more healthy, my ends dont look so dry anymore and may I add I love the scent!!! My new fav. product <3  You can find it in any drugstore....I buy it in Walmart for only $2.74


  1. Thanks for entering my giveaway!
    Can't wait to see what you post about!

  2. I've tried a few Suave conditioners back in the day--they worked really well! I'm currently stuck on Dove conditioners! I even added it to my October favorites. You have a great blog & I can;t wait to see what else you have to review! ♥

  3. Glad to hear this works for your hair, thanks for sharing!:D

    ***** Marie *****
    Giveaway: Shabby Apple Da Vinci Dress
