Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our New #1 Enemy "Sulfate"

For a long time I wanted my hair to grow longer but I was noticing that it would just stay the same length, ugh!. Why it's not growing???! So I started doing research on what can I do or should do to help it grow. On my research I found out that one of the ingredients named Sulfate is probably the most dangerous ingredient used in skin and hair-care products especially in shampoos and it also can cause thinness and hair loss. I immediately checked all my shampoos and by my surprise I found it in all of them...GREAT! So I went to the store and saw some variety of Sulfate Free Shampoo... Yaaaayyy!  Here is the one I bought

Since i've been using this product my hair looks and feels so much healthy, but the conditioner left my hair feeling kinda rough, so I just kept using my old conditioners (it doesn't contain Sulfate so im I guess you can use any conditioner but just make sure in the ingredients in the back doesn't have Sulfate. Im happy to say that by eating healthy, not using so much heat on my hair and using the right shampoos, my hair have been growing very healthy. 

                             P.S. Dont forget to cut your ends every 2 or 3 months it helps with the growing too!


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